UPC EETAC Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications Systems and in Network Engineering EEL


Laboratory instruments for electronics


Some instruments and devices of interest to experiment in the laboratory.

Basic instruments Tools and comsumables Instrumentation probes

NI VB 8012  - Digilent APD5250

Available at the EETAC L129B. This instrument has been rebranded and now is sold by Digilent. The model APD5250 belonging to the Analog Discovery Pro 5000 Series is the same VB-8012. It works and is concontrolled by both: NI-VirtualBench and Waveforms software.

Virtual bench

Fig. 1. National Instruments VirtualBench compact instument.


Digilent resource center and reference manual.


Software: Waveforms. (it can be also used without drivers or applications using the internal embedded NI VirtualBench version).

Instrument features


Digilent Analog Discovery 2


Fig. 2. Digilent Analog Discovery 2.

Software: Waveforms.


Digilent Digital Discovery


Fig. 3. Digilent Digital Discovery.

Software: Waveforms.


Keysight Smart Bench


Fig. 4. Keysight Smart Bench Essentials Test Instruments. Available at L230B and L226B.


Former electronics laboratory workbench


Fig. 5. Power supply, function generator, multimeter, oscilloscope, frequency counter, and personal computer, were the standard configuration of our laboratory bench. In CSD, you can replace the desktop computer by your own portable PC running Microsoft Windows 11 and all the standard instruments by the compact VB-8012.


Basic instruments Tools and comsumables Instrumentation probes

Basic tools and comsumable materials

In preparation. Safety equipment from our lab: mask, goggles, gloves, small fire extinguisher and first-aid kit.

Plastic storage drawer or box



Flush cutters for electronic components

Wire stripper and cutter

Precision hobby knife

Soldering iron, tips and soldering wire

Soldering iron holder with brass curls wool for cleaning excess solder and dirty flux residues from soldering iron tips

Solderless prototyping breadboard

General purpose solderable PCB

Solid core hookup coloured wires

Hobbyist resistor and capacitors assortment kits or consumable components available in our labs.


Basic instruments Tools and consumables Instrumentation probes

Instrumentation probes

Connecting instruments to circuits under test using probes. The probe recommended for the VB8012 oscilloscope is the (1:1, 10:1) PS2150. Example reference materials:

- In this unit the probe's equivalent circuit is modelled.

- "Select the right oscilloscope probe for your application", NI.

- "ABCs of probes", Tektronik.


Fig. 1. Oscilloscope connected to the test point using probes.